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Kylie's Story

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The journey to authenticity

I am Kylie Morrison, born and bred in Australia. I am an expat living in Luxembourg.  My working career started over 30 years ago in professional services and I have been pursuing a meaningful, purposeful career without interruption for over 3 decades. 


Since arriving in Luxembourg I have continued my life's journey to embrace change and pursue new challenges.  My passions are nature and animals, exploration, knowledge, learning, sharing and development and doing all of this from a very genuine authentic place in myself. 


The most difficult part of departing Australia has been leaving family, friends, and our 15 acre horse property where we could live my childhood dream borne from what seems likes a life time spent with horses and all kinds of animals.  This was a real experience of loss for me.


Since arriving in Luxembourg I have continued my life's journey to embrace change and pursue new challenges. I am grateful to be energised by change and on arrival in Luxembourg transformed my knowledge, educational and professional background in to a successful language business.  


I enjoy the richness of a full life.  This means for me, taking risks and learning to deal and live with our thinking and emotional selves.  Which in turn, leads to action and transformation. 


I have learnt and been able to validate a fundamental quality about myself since I came to Luxembourg because I have had the luxury of time to discover new areas of life and myself.  One of my greatest gifts is with animals, who taught me that through being authentic and connecting with others, I achieve my best self and I am able to share this gift with others. 


This new transformation has been realised by taking on a role as horse riding coach and horse trainer.  This led me undeniably with the influence and support of my wonderful friend and business partner Kate to commence a programme of formal education and personal development to become a qualified Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner (EFL) with LEAP.


I have discovered the transforming approaches to my equitation knowledge and practise of ‘Ecole de Légèreté’ (Philip Karl), 'Rider Biomechanics',  'Ride With Your Mind' (Mary Wanless) and ‘Straightness Training’ (Marijke De Jong) and become an avid student of all.  These have brought together the combination of horses and a great interest in the human condition. What best supports that human or horse toward greater well-being and fulfilment?   This is our mission with the creation of HERD


My journey of authenticity has involved lots of bends, dips and peaks.  I recognise the opportunity of bringing together the different aspects of my life, the experiences, passions, gifts and the desire to pay it forward.  I care deeply about others.  When we reach each other through an authentic connection, then a journey of sharing and discovery begins. Where creativity is awakened, choices toward fulfilment are made.


 Through observing humans and animals I have enhanced my intuition. My curiosity is engaged when I begin the journey to truly understand a soul's behaviours and feelings. I find this fascinating, which leads to a source of genuine interest, care and responsibility on my part to support development and growth.

My inner strength is evident when a true connection results in a crossroad of transformation for a client.  When this realisation is arrived at, I am able to use my inner strength to give guidance and support.  There is great learning to be had through seeking a connection with others. This connection - whether it stays with you throughout your life as a constant companion or a companion for a time - is vital to enjoy the richness of a full life.

We are not meant to be alone on our life's journey and there are many souls in the world seeking an authentic connection in support of their well being to achieve a fulfilling life.  Remember, fulfilment is a journey, it is not a destination.  My choice in life has been to pursue fulfilment that requires authenticity, adaptability, vitality and creativity.  


I am here if you want to reach out and take the opportunity of experiencing my services.  You may possibly be apprehensive, that’s not unexpected, but let me tell you, it will be well worth it!

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